Thursday, October 16, 2008

members of LGBT are ask to submitt your papers

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Reproductive Health Matters 17(33) May 2009
Theme: Reproductive rights across diverse sexual orientations and gender expressions

Submission date: ± 1 September 2008 (late submissions OK with notice!)

Despite the wide and long-standing feminist literature on reproductive health and rights issues, debates on these matters – whether in conservative, family planning and population, or women’s health movement circles – have remained overwhelmingly steeped in traditional gender and sexual binaries. The assumption seems to be that where matters of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting are concerned, those whose rights are involved are invariably heterosexual and normative “women” (or heteronormative “couples”).

Vibrant movements not only of lesbians and gay men but also transgender and intersex people,[1] across all regions of the globe, prompt RHM to call for papers that examine the barriers to full reproductive rights for people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. We are seeking evidence-based (including experiential) papers that explore the capacities, choices and challenges of lesbians, transgender and intersex people to become pregnant and to bear and raise children, with full access to obstetric and gynaecological care and services, and with complete respect for who they are. Also, recalling that reproduction is about kinship and child-rearing as well as pregnancy and childbearing, we are interested in papers concerning the rights of gay men and people within non-traditional households and kin networks to have, adopt and raise children and to receive family, childcare and child health benefits. The following topics are relevant but by no means exhaustive:

§ Access to reproductive health care and services for lesbians, gay men, trans and intersex people, including: assisted conception, adoption, information, peer support and networks, and dignity, equality and non-discrimination in health and support services.

§ Impact of social and biomedical pressures to conform to gender binarism on reproductive and parenting capacity for lesbians, gay men, trans and intersex people.

§ Gay men, surrogacy and reproductive tourism; class and cultural divisions; tensions between rights and exploitation or between different sets of rights.

§ Parenting in non-traditional, non-heteronormative households: childrearing arrangements and custody rights; legal and customary norms; social and institutional supports or barriers; access to child health, education and other services.

Please share this with anyone who may be interested in submitting a paper.
RHM author and submission guidelines are at: .
[1] The ‘transgender umbrella’ includes a wide variety of culturally disparate locations, such as transsexuals, cross-dressers, hijras, travestis; male-to-female and female-to-male trans people who undergo surgical and hormonal transition and those who do not; genderqueer people who reject any specific gender assignment; and intersex people in whatever self-assignment they desire.

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